Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Rory Martin, and I am a pastor, teacher, husband, father, and part-time website administrator. My skill in each of those areas varies greatly, but they summarize my responsibilities in a sentence. The purpose of this site is two-fold:

  • First, it will allow me to get some information out about my web-design business. I want to use my abilities to help churches and other Christian non-profits in particular establish an affordable web presence and improve their gospel outreach. You can find out more about this here.
  • Second, it will be a way for me to post thoughts, ideas, and resources that I think are worth sharing. I have tried a couple of times to blog regularly and hope that this will continue to become something that I can develop the discipline to maintain. Basically, discipline is something that is really lacking in many areas of my life, but I will aim to make this a priority. I mainly discuss theological musings, life circumstances, or other areas of interest to me (mainly sports, technology, and books). You can read the blog here.

For whatever reason you are here, I thank you for stopping by. Take a few minutes, read an article, and maybe comment. Hopefully we can all learn from each other, and we can keep growing to become a bit more like Jesus.

Picture credit to Flohr’s Photography